For a few days now sailors in the Indian Ocean have been reporting sightings of several floating construction sites, now Somalia has claimed responsibility for the project.
The leader of Somalia presented a speech yesterday claiming responsibility for the ambitious project that entailed the construction of 500 artificial islands across the Indian Ocean, costing a grand total of 200 million Afros.
400 of these islands are military naval bases but the remainder of them are luxury resorts for Somali and Apple Imperial citizens. Many citizens are already planning luxury trips to the resorts and are interested in what their next projects will entail.
Many economists, whoever, are considering whether this was necessary for the amount of money needed to create and sustain these.
While the economists are debating about whether it was necessary, other experts are worried about the possibility that a simple event like another Great Depression could make these islands unsustainable and bankrupt Somalia.
Well, for now, Somalia is not worried about that, as they have continued their plans for more islands.