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Reporting the news of Quackistan

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Antarctica is melting

Earlier today, several countries announced that they have taken over Antarctica. The continent has been taken over by Pakistan, India,...

North Korea is now Korea

After some potatoes happened, North Korea and South Korea united as one, forming the People's Republic of Korea. Everything started with...

Austria At War

A few minutes ago Austria declared war on all countries with land in Africa (aside from Timbuktu and Somalia) this caused Pakistan, SRI...

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It all started when Quackity started that stream, and I said "Hey, what if I did a news account to report everything that happened on stream?", and that is exactly what I did.
Since then, I've reported the happenings of this great society.
I just wanted to say, even though Quackistan News had its up and downs, I love this community and I love you all.
Please enjoy this little project of mine ^-^

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