A court in North Korea found 17 year old Kim Li Gong was guilty of murder
Earlier today, Kim had been captured after an extensive investigation to find out the murderers of the Minister of Finance's assistant, he was arrested in the Moranbang Forest, where he was trying to hide.

After being detained, he took responsibility for his group's actions, which the Judge considered a confession.
During trial, he asked for mercy, but it was declined, and he was found guilty of murder.
His final verdict was Life without Parole, which means the 17 year old boy will stay his entire life, in prison.

Even thought the trial is over Kim's parents are not going to give up. They will try to appeal and reduce Kim's sentence, but that is probably not going to happen.
More information to follow.
Update: The judge has declined the appeal, but added parole after 10 years, which the parents accepted.
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