The thing you've all waited for (or not) is back!
Yup, they're coming back, and uh, yeah. I'm going to try to write them when I can, but stuff has not been easy for me these days as you all probably noticed
...or not
Anyways, I'm sorry for being inactive these past days, and for not reporting the news, i know that I don't do a good job, but it's just that stuff is really messy in my home with me moving and stuff, and I have to keep switching homes from time to time and this makes my time really... limited.
Well, enough of me, let's get to the general changes that will happen:
All the Quackistan News writers will be reset (Except for CAE)
I will try finding someone else to help me administer @QuackistanNews, because of my recent activity problems. (No I won't quit, don't worry)
I'll try to be more active, but i can't promise anything.
Now you may be asking, "admin?"
Yeah, just someone else running the account with me, we'll try to identify ourselves using some sort of emoji or... uh... something
So uh, yeah
That's... basically it...